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Fly Air International LTD. Launches Rewards Token

Fly Air International Ltd., a renowned airline company, is on the cusp of a groundbreaking venture as it introduces its latest innovation, the Fly Token. In collaboration with esteemed Fjord Foundry, this liquidity bootstrapping pool (LBP) aims to revolutionize transactions within the aviation industry. Set to launch on July 5th at 12:00pm UTC, Fly Token will leverage Fjord Foundry’s strong track record of successful LBPs to create a dynamic ecosystem for its users.

Fly Air International Ltd is set to launch its rewards token, Fly Token, on July 5th at 12:00pm UTC, ushering in a new era for the aviation industry. With this innovative token, customers can easily book flights, including private jet flights, and enjoy exclusive rewards. The launch will introduce 100,000,000 Fly Tokens into the market, providing users with exciting opportunities to earn discounts and voice their opinions on the platform.

This highly anticipated product will introduce 100,000,000 tokens into the market, offering users a unique opportunity to earn discounts and actively participate in shaping the future of Fly Air International Ltd. As an early adopter, customers can take advantage of this trailblazing project by visiting the Fjord Foundry listing link.

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